Pirates of the Caribbean

Cursed pirates, a salty hero, a feisty damsel in distress, her handsome rescuer, sea battles, exciting sword duels, breathtaking scenery, what more could you want from a swashbuckling adventure? You get all of that and more in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl,” a rollicking E-Ticket cinema ride that, along with “Finding Nemo,” is one of the best films of the summer to date. Read the rest of this entry »

The Eiger Sanction

It’s amazing how much of a difference 24 years can make. In Disney years, that’s four generations. I was a senior in high school in 1975, and I remember seeing “The Eiger Sanction” on the big screen. I don’t have a review to reference, but I believe that I liked the film. Read the rest of this entry »


The western was all but dead when writer-director Lawrence Kasdan approached Columbia Pictures with the idea of reviving it with “Silverado.” After having written the screenplays for “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” plus directing two extremely popular films, “The Big Chill” and “Body Heat,” Kasdan had the clout to walk into Columbia Pictures with a straight face and make such a request. Read the rest of this entry »

The Descent

The closest I’ve ever come to cave exploring was on Tom Sawyer’s Island at Disneyland. Granted some of the tourists coming the opposite direction were pretty scary, but nothing compared to the horrors that await six women spelunkers in The Descent. Read the rest of this entry »

Shrek 2

You can’t keep a good Ogre down, and if “Shrek 2” is any indication of what to expect from the big green guy (with apologies to the Hulk), who would want to? “Shrek 2” defies conventional box office wisdom, a sequel that is not only as good as the original, but in many ways, better. Read the rest of this entry »

She’s All That DVD

Good morning, Mr. Larsen. Your mission is to infiltrate your local cineplex and attempt to understand Hollywood’s endless fascination with teenagers. Your mission will be filled with dangerous pitfalls, mindless dialogue, hair-raising cliches and deadly plot retreads. You won’t be able to distinguish your contact because they all look alike. Read the rest of this entry »

Shanghai Noon DVD

The characters and the situation look awfully familiar. Two outlaws, trapped inside an abandoned building, decide that the only way out is through the front door, fighting. They argue a little, make amends, and then come out shooting. If you’re thinking “Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid,” think again. Read the rest of this entry »

The Alamo

Impressively staged, masterfully photographed, filled with engaging performances and historical importance, “The Alamo” has everything in its arsenal to command the screen. Except for one small detail. “The Alamo” is, well, another movie about “The Alamo.” Does the world really need another movie about “The Alamo?” Even more important, who thought a $120 million remake of “The Alamo” was a good idea?
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The Perfect Score

Odd, but my parents taught me if you wanted respect, you earned it. That poster tag line comes from “You Got Served,” or as it is commonly known in my house as “Breakin’ 3: Electric Bling Bling.” Read the rest of this entry »

Out of the Past

17-year old high school senior Kelli Masterson knew early on that she was a lesbian. Living in the state of Utah where such things are frowned upon (it’s okay to have more than one wife as long as they’re not doing each other), Kelli kept her mouth shut about her sexuality. She couldn’t turn to her parents or her siblings. She felt lost and alone. Read the rest of this entry »