
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is mad. As the owner of Fox News Network, Murdoch has spent a lot of time and money molding and advertising a station he calls Fair and Balanced. He doesn’t just call Fox fair and balanced, that’s their on-air slogan. Read the rest of this entry »

Mr. Holland’s Opus

I’m a sucker for films like “Mr. Holland’s Opus.” Yes, I know they’re overly sentimental and syrupy. That’s part of their charm. It helps to have an actor like Richard Dreyfuss on board, who perfectly conveys the joys and disappointments of a musician who gives up his dream of becoming a composer when he’s forced to teach music at the local high school. Read the rest of this entry »

Halloween Horror With A Hitch

As kids, oh hell, even as adults, our parents always told us not to eat so much crap. It’s not good for you. Now here’s your chance to exorcize all of that guilt, horror movies destined to scare the crap out of you. Lay down papers. This is going to get messy. Read the rest of this entry »

The Killer Elite

They’re not the CIA, and if you ask them, they’ll tell you so. They take on jobs the CIA wouldn’t touch. They’re professionals who are the best at what they do, and they don’t sell Amway. They’re not listed in the phone book, and you can’t call them. Who are they? They’re the top secret organization you go to when you need the impossible done. No, not Kenneth Starr’s office. Read the rest of this entry »

The Score

“The Score” plays like a classic heist film with modern sensibilities, a high-tech thriller with a great cast and genuinely engaging direction. It brings together Robert De Niro and Marlon Brando, two actors who won Oscars for playing the same character but have never appeared together in the same film. Read the rest of this entry »

I Saw What You Did

Pinch me, I must be dreaming. DVD seems to be having a William Castle revival, and I’m just tickled pink. Enough cliches. Actually, I really am in cinema heaven when I get a chance to watch some of the films that were major influences on me during my formative years. Read the rest of this entry »


Look close enough and you’re bound to recognize numerous other film homage’s in director Barry Levinson’s positively winning comedy starring Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton as two prison escapees who take bank robbery to a whole new level. Joe Blake (Willis) and Terry Collins (Thornton) have just broken out of Oregon State Prison and plan to return to their old ways.
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Demure in stature, flamboyant and bitchy, Truman Capote was a caricature long before impersonator Rich Little added the author and talk show gadfly to his repertoire. Even Capote jumped on the caricature bandwagon, spoofing himself in Neil Simon’s Murder by Death. Read the rest of this entry »


Nothing comes closer than Goldwyn’s words of wisdom to describing the big-screen “Spider- Man,” a sweeping piece of popcorn entertainment whose only goal is to entertain, which it does with the veracity of an attentive party host who refuses to let anyone go home until they have had a good time. Read the rest of this entry »

The Day I Became a Woman

Somewhere in-between the propaganda and the political rhetoric lies an Iran that is seldom seen by the Western world. Most high school students would be hard-pressed to pick out Iran on a world map, much less express an opinion on the subject. Much of what we know about Iran comes from cable news sound bites. Read the rest of this entry »